Your 2015 EBoard
The 2015 officers are as follows:
Charles River Women’s Team
President: Whitney McCoy
Vice President: Jen Garner
Match Secretary: Genevieve Beninati
Treasurer: Alex (Z) Zadel
Recruiting Secretary: Kate (PK) Condon
Social Secretary: Melissa Dunn
Field Secretary: Ruthie Lewis
Old Girls’ Liaison: Anne (Wales) Beaumont
Ombudswoman: Cait (Swak) Sawicki
Forwards Captain: Jehanne Junguenet
Backs Captain: Alicia Scahill
Charles River Men’s Team
President: Dave Halbert
Vice President: open
Treasurer: Chris Gardner
Recruiting Secretary: Dana Etherington
Social Secretary: Jerry Kenneally
Match Secretary: Phil Adams
Field Secretary: Pat Cavallario
Ombudsman: Zack Cox
Old Boys’ Liaison: open
Captain: Corey Lang
Assistant Captain: Karim El-Sayed
Charles River Club-wide Positions
Webmaster: Patrick Cavallario
Fundraising Secretary: Susan Lackey
Board of Directors
Jen Garner (2015-2017)
Mike Fair (2014-2016)
Lisa (Natty) Schmidt (2014-2016)
Katy Wilks (2014-2015)
Open (2015)
We are accepting nominations for any of the open positions. Please contact the Presidents if you would like to run for one of these positions or nominate someone. We would love to have you!