Savannah Tourney Recap
Charles River had a great weekend in Savannah.
On Saturday morning we played Providence’s social side and won handily, 41-12. The next game was against a talented alumni team from Clemson. It was a high scoring, thrilling match that came down to the final minutes. We lost on a last minute try. There were many tries scored on Saturday including Jerry (2), Adam, Corey, and a few from the Showponies who joined us for the tour. I am sure there were others that escape my memory. Also we need to recognize Dan Lewis for playing through some major injuries that he sustained in the first game. On Sunday many of us overcame injuries and played with a spirited effort against a tough squad from Rocky Gorge. We lost despite a highlight reel worth try from Jerry.
Throughout the entire weekend we competed hard, then partied hard in true River Rat fashion. In addition, our club is now famous in Savannah. The local paper, The Savannah Morning News, chose us as one of the two teams to featured in their article about the tournament. It included two color photos, and an interview with Ricky in their Sunday edition. There is also a video from the Providence match on their website. Here’s a link to the article: