St. Patrick’s Day Party 2014
[section title=” Charles River Rugby St. Patrick’s Day Party” swatch=”swatch-crdarkgreen”] [row][span3] [image size=”box-big” source=”” alt=”Charles River Rugby Mugs” swatch=”swatch-cr-orange” icon=””] [/span3] [span9]Sláinte!
Bostonians are notoriously tough, with a proclivity for enjoying a good pint with a sideways grin. We have our scrappy Irish forebears to thank for that. Whether you’re Irish only on St. Patrick’s Day or on each of the year’s 365, celebrating the green is a rite of passage in Boston. Come earn your shamrocks on Saturday March 15th at The Draft in Allston! Join Charles River Rugby, Boston’s only joint men’s and women’s club, for an afternoon of jigs and reels, games, beers, and a bit o’ the old gab. We’ll see you 12-4 PM.
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